
Putting End to Courtesy Japa / Beyond

* Chanting while talking to someone (you talk, and when they reply you chant).
* Chanting while reading (which could really work if you have two heads, one to read and one to chant).
* Chanting while listening to a CD or the radio (this is especially challenging while listening to the news or listening to rock and roll music).
* Chanting while shopping.
* Chanting while window shopping (this often happens on early morning japa walks).
* Chanting while you are dosing off (sometimes known as dive bomb japa).
* Chanting while site seeing or looking around at a million things (sometimes known as radar japa).
* Chanting while watching movies (Krsna Conscious movies are included in “courtesy japa”).
* Chanting a little, talking a little, chanting a little, talking a little (sometimes known as jibber japa).
* Chanting while …………………… (fill in your favorites).

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